start your weight loss and fitness journey today

Get the Guide To Lose 20 lbs in 3 Months!

My online articles have everything you need for the know-how and motivation to lose weight and get fit.

But, if it is more convenient, I made a pay-what-you-want Guide because I believe that every person struggling with excess weight should have the System I wish I had when I was 100 lbs overweight.

*Contribute $10 or more to get the guide today

    “I didn't want ANYONE to miss this life-changing advice just because of money...even if you can only afford to pay $10.”

    Hashi Mashi

    NY, NY

    What you get:

    You get my most popular articles on losing weight in PDF format including:

    • The Burdens of Obesity
    • Magical Benefits of Losing 20lbs
    • 5-step System to Lose 20lbs In 3 Months
    • How to Walk for Weight Loss


    • Food/Grocery list printables,
    • Suggested meal printables,
    • Monthly weight loss tracker printable,
    • Unlimited future updates

    This way, you can refer to or read it anytime you want without ads; in print, or on a device.

    What do you have to lose other than your spare tire?

    What is it all about?

    I've learned a few things after maintaining a hundred pound weight loss over the last ten years.

    One of the most important is that using a system is much more effective than only having a weight loss goal.

    It took me decades to finally make an end to my obesity. I'd hate for you to wait that long!

    In this 97-page Guide you'll learn:

    • What to do when you have given up on ever losing a pound (hint - never give up!)
    • How to start making the small changes that will translate into significant results (once you get on track, you will never look back - you will feel too good.)
    • How to stop sabotaging your path to a leaner and more conditioned you in a step-by-step plan along with helpful printables.